Principal Message
The best period in any one’s life is his childhood. Children are free from the varied pressures of adulthood and hence, this is the most ideal period for learning. Kids’ quest for learning will be quite high and they will be highly inquisitive, active and creative during this period. It is for the parents and teachers to provide maximum opportunities for children that enable them with learning.
In the learning process, learning to write about the things they know, the persons they meet, the places they visit, the books they read, the institutions they study and the ideas they generate are very important. It is true, that every writing can’t become a great book, but it is also true that no ‘writing’ goes to trash as the writing experience gives the writer, a sense of completeness and his reader a satisfaction.
Learning begins with listening and gets completed in writing. ‘Writing makes an exact man’, were the immortal words of Francis Bacon. I wish every child who had started to ink their thinking and urge everyone to wield pens and keep removing ignorance and boredom, offering knowledge and infotainment. Such an effort would go a long way in shaping this humanity, a better one; this world, a better place.